Which Blurb Do You Prefer?

I’m blurb writing for From the Ground Up, and I have two competing versions that thus far have equal votes. I was dallying over the decision, wondering which one appealed more, when I realised: I should really just ask y’all, shouldn’t I?

Thus, behold! Two blurbs for From the Ground Up, my impending doom non-fiction worldbuilding book, contracted with Tyche Books 🙂 I should probably do a website page for it, shouldn’t I… Actually, I’ll do that once you guys have voted on a blurb 😀 hee.

To comment, you have to look for the little plus sign below and to the right of the post. Click that and it will expand the comment form. It’s not user-friendly, I know; if anyone knows how I can change it so the default is comments open, that would be amazing…..


But! Without further ado! The blurbs.



Rivers do not flow down peninsulas to get to the sea. A society’s level of technological development determines the size of its cities and families. If you don’t have a background in geography, you might not know these things. After all, not every writer is born knowing how seasonal changes, mountain ranges, and rain cycles influence cultures or genetics – and now you don’t have to. FROM THE GROUND UP contains all the science you need to build a realistic world for your fictional universe.

Learn how geography influences culture, how populations interact with and are restricted by their environment, and the problems that populations create and face. With chapter summaries and activities that will walk you through world creation from zero to perfect, FROM THE GROUND UP provides everything you need to make your world authentic and engaging.


World-building is a fundamental skill for all writers, especially in fantasy and science fiction. But many writers build their worlds backwards, resulting in physically-impossible maps, cookie-cutter cultures, and “different-just-because” worlds that are internally inconsistent. Having a world that works is vital to a good story. A well-built world is not just a backdrop for events; done well, your world is a character in its own right.

No idea how to do this? FROM THE GROUND UP is here to help, covering topics such as how geography influences culture, how populations interact with their environment, and the problems that populations create and face. With chapter summaries and activities that will walk you through world creation from zero to brilliant, FROM THE GROUND UP gives the information you need to make sure your worlds are authentic and engaging.


Actually, here; let me make voting easy and embed a poll. If you’re feed-reading, you’ll need to click through to vote. There are even cookies on the form for you. Om nom. Thank you!!! 😀

2 thoughts on “Which Blurb Do You Prefer?”

  1. I like the first one–it feels smoother and more to the point of what the book is about. Excited for this, though! *cookies*

  2. Whee! Thank you! I ended up going with a slightly edited version of the first one, as most people preferred it but there were one or two questions 🙂 Thanks so much for voting!

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