First up, I need just TEN MORE PEOPLE (or something, numbers numbers, maths maths) to show interest in a signed paperback of my forthcoming poetry collection Change Becomes Us to fund the Kickstarter by April 6. ARE YOU ONE OF THE TEN PEOPLE I'M LOOKING FOR??! Check out my latest Instagram posts to read some of my poetry and see :)


Y'all, healing from burnout takes way longer than I feel like it should :P :'D Even though I have a frie-quaintance who burnt out in almost IDENTICAL circumstances some seven years earlier who TOLD ME it took her two full years to recover, I am here some nine-ish months after changing careers* being all like OKAY I AM DONE WITH THIS HEALING THING WE CAN START RUNNING AGAIN NOW RIGHT?

No. Not right. In fact, one might go so far as to say: Wrong.

* But also seriously, how was last July nine months ago already? o.O

So: life is doing what life ought to do in these circumstances, which is to remind me frequently and loudly that the Very Best Thing I Can Do right now is nothing. Rest, Amy. In body, in mind, and in soul. Get out and feel the glorious autumn sunshine, breathe the slowly-cooling air, snuggle those new delightful chickens and convince them that you are not the devil, eat the very last of the season's ripe raspberries fresh off the canes and count down the days until the first frost of the year and the end of tomato harvests - and the time of gathering in the pumpkins and sweet potatoes.

You guys: I grew sweet potatoes this year, and I even have two rockmelons (cantaloupes) slowly ripening. *crosses fingers HARD that they beat the frost due in a month* I feel like only *real* gardeners grow these things, so CONGRATS, ME! I'm a REAL GARDENER NOW!

So what is life doing? Reminding me through the changing of the seasons, the dimming of the days, and the slowing of the heat energy in the air that I too must slow, and change - and rest. <3
Healing my brain and body, for the most part :P Oh wait, you mean writing-and-publishing-wise? RIGHT YES OF COURSE. Ha.

Let's see. My current work-in-progress, Touchstone, is about a third done. I'm super excited about this "standalone urban fantasy with series potential", introducing a new alternate-Melbourne and fun, shiny magic - that comes colour-coded, OF COURSE, because I wrote it. It's been a few weeks since I worked on this one due to some health blips, but I'm hoping to be back into the swing of it next week.

Apart from that, there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes with branding, both for Amy Laurens and Inkprint Press. You may have noticed some of the changes in appearance since last time :) This means that the website is a complete MESS at the moment, but progress is Being Made and I am Very Excited about this.

The Kickstarter campaign for Change Becomes Us runs for about a week from today, and I'd LOVE you to come join in the fun! If you'd like a taste of the poetry before you commit, you can check out my most recent posts on Instagram to get a feel for the kind of poetry I write - especially important since I know poetry isn't everyone's cup of tea! <3

Kickstarter ends April 6!

Come grab an ebook for $6AU, a signed hardcover for $27AU, or a whole range of rewards in between :)
Join us here.
Super into my Turkish Delight tea again these days - funny how it swings in cycles. After not drinking this one for AGES, the rose petals + chocolatey cocoa husks + black tea combo is totally winning me over as the nights cool down and the weather turns rainy.
Amy in a blue hoodie holding a black chicken who is holding a raspberry in her beak. As you do, when you're a chicken.
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