A plain, ugly scrap lives in a quilt-maker’s basket, surrounded by brighter and more beautiful scraps. 

The ugly scrap longs for a purpose, a quilt to call home… but it might as well dream of flying.

Until one day, its life changes forever—well beyond even its wildest dreams.

A hopeful Christmas parable about waiting for our purpose in life.

The Quilt-Maker’s Scrap

Once, in a Quilt-maker’s basket, there lived a scrap of fabric. All the other scraps in the basket had something special about them: some were smooth and soft, others were warm and furry, and still others had bright colors or pretty patterns. But this scrap was dull and ugly and rough.

The other scraps teased him. “The Quilt-maker will never choose you,” said a scrap of silver satin. “Not when she could choose me. Look how I glimmer in the light!”

“Or me!” said a golden scrap who had shining sequins sewn onto her. “I could dazzle anyone!”

“Any quilt with you in it,” said a scrap of sensible navy wool, “would be an embarrassment.” 

The little scrap drooped. The other scraps were right—he was dull and ugly and boring. No one would want him in a quilt. A piece of cream poplin brushed past him. “You never know,” she said. “Maybe the Quilt-maker will make a quilt for someone she doesn’t like. Then it wouldn’t matter if it was ugly.”

Even though she had meant to be mean, the poplin’s words gave the little dull scrap hope. Maybe the Quilt-maker would make an ugly quilt. He wouldn’t mind, not at all. At least then he’d have a home—and no one would tease him anymore. So he waited near the top of the basket, hoping that someday the Quilt-maker would choose him.

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