What Kings Ate and Wizards Drank…

…is the highly awesome title of a highly awesome book by a highly awesome person, aka Krista Ball, which was just released yesterday. Ish. Time zones confuse me. Anyway, here’s the blurbage:

Equal parts writer’s guide, comedy, and historical cookbook, fantasy author Krista D. Ball takes readers on a journey into the depths of epic fantasy’s obsession with rabbit stew and teaches them how to catch the blasted creatures, how to move armies across enemy territories without anyone starving to death, and what a medieval pantry should look like when your heroine is seducing the hero.
Learn how long to cook a salted cow tongue, how best to serve salt fish, what a “brewis” is (hint: it isn’t beer), how an airship captain would make breakfast, how to preserve just about anything, and why those dairy maids all have ample hips.What Kings Ate will give writers of historical and fantastical genres the tools to create new conflicts in their stories, as well as add authenticity to their worlds, all the while giving food history lovers a taste of the past with original recipes and historical notes.

And isn’t the cover so pretty-shiny?!?!

What Kings Ate

I’m really excited for the release of this book. I had the privilege of reading it before it was released, and you guys, it is seriously awesome. Don’t be dissuaded by the fact that this is notionally pegged at writers: I promise you, ANYONE with an interest in food history will get a kick out of this shiny, shiny book. Krista writes with a casual, easy-to-read style, and the book is informative, comprehensively researched, and very entertaining, with lots of quirky tidbits and personal anecdotes.

Congrats, Krista, on a really fabulous release :o) YAY!

Book links: Amazon, the publisher’s website, news about the paperbacks, list of other venues where it will be available in lots of other formats soon :o)

Krista was born and raised in Deer Lake, Newfoundland, where she learned how to use a chainsaw, chop wood,and make raspberry jam. After obtaining a B.A. in British History from Mount Allison University, Krista moved to Edmonton, AB where she currently lives. Somehow, she’s picked up an engineer, two kids, six cats, and a very understanding corgi off ebay. Her credit card has been since taken away. Like any good writer, Krista has had an eclectic array of jobs throughout her life, including strawberry picker, pub bathroom cleaner, oil spill cleaner upper and soup-kitchen coordinator. You can find her causing trouble at http://kristadball.com.

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