So I Guess I Have A Book To Write Now? O:)

Don’t tell Kickstarter, but the book that was just launched there? Yeah. I still need to finish it >.<

Thank goodness my non-writing deadlines are finally wrapping up long enough for me to pause and draw breath and consider maybe thinking about writing eventually at some point πŸ˜€

But seriously, I have six weeks to finish the book, have it edited for errors, and get the Advanced Reader Copies out to my lovely, lovely backers at the end of April.

Honestly? I think it will be fine. In a standard school week, when I’m not sick (including insomnia) and it’s not a Deadline Week, I aim to write 4000 words. The book needs about 15,000 words still, so that’s four weeks… except I have two weeks of holidays in there, during which the priority will be Getting This Book Done. So honestly, it’ll be fine. I’ll have the book done and sent off to Liana at the end of the holidays, then she has a week to edit and I have a week to fix and format, and BAM book delivered on time. Look at me go.

…If you’re like Liana, you might be distantly screaming right about now. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOURSELF, AMY??? DO YOU REALLY NEED **MORE** PRESSURE IN YOUR LIFE???????

Thanks, I’m glad you asked πŸ˜€

This was a very deliberate choice, actually, when I chose to launch the Kickstarter a couple of weeks ago. Because, see, I haven’t written anything (except my contractually obligated non-fiction article on fairies for Aurealis, which comes out in the April issue and you should totally go read it when it does) since mid-January, when dealing with the after-effects of three months of insomnia was taking all my mental energy. And then school started back, and I was behind, because I’d done nothing re: publishing OR school prep in Dec/Jan like I usually would, and then we hit Deadline Season The First for the year.

I knew all along that about the end of this week would be the first time I’d have the lovely confluence of both a) time to write and b) brain to write.

And I knew that, if I’m writing properly and Not Making Excuses, I’d be able to get Bones done by the end of April.

And I also knew that, without a Hard Deadline, I’d spend literally all of April wallowing in angst because AHHHH WOEEEE WRITING IS SO HAAARD WHEN YOU HAVEN’T DONE IT IN MONTHS.

It’s like a muscle, and my writing muscle is out of condition. So I could spend a month easing back in and basically making excuses for not going to the gym every day (I can’t lift as much as I used to, wah! Running is uncomfortable and makes me sweaty, wah!), or I could just… give myself a deadline that meant I’d HAVE to attend the writing gym. (Because let’s be clear, I’m even WORSE at attending a real gym than a writing gym, HA.)

So. Here we are, about to start writing again after about 9 weeks off.

I have 15 – 20,000 words to write in about 3.5 weeks.

Let’s do this.

PS My deadline to hand off to Liana is April 19. If you want to set yourself a goal that you’d like to have completed by April 19, feel free to let me know and we can hold each other accountable together πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ <3

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